Screw-In Dentures

Screw in dentures
Screw in Dentures made from porcelain

Diagram of a Denture Converted to Screw In

How Does It Work?

Denture after being converted to fixed

When the Teeth Are Pulled, the Implants Are Placed

6 implants are ideal for the upper and I prefer 5 or 6 for the lower jaw.

Even the temporaries are nice

The Denture Made Before the Surgery is Converted into a Temporary

It takes 3-6 months for most patients to heal after implant placement.

Zirconia is the best material in my opinion for a final restoration

After Healing, a Ceramic Denture is Made

The porcelain dentures are made from zirconia, a super-strong dental ceramic that is nearly unbreakable. Less expensive options are available, but not recommended unless trying to save money for a zirconia denture.

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My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people’s.

Oscar Wilde

Don’t pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.

Andy Warhol


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Anytown, 10100

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