A Complete Guide To Dentures and Dental Implants

All on 4 Teeth in a Day

This website is designed to explain every option you have when it comes placing implants to hold your dentures in place or get rid of them for screw-in teeth. Read the entire site for a total understanding and send me feedback if something can be improved. And check back regularly for videos and where I will attempt to answer your questions.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you desperately want to be able to eat comfortably with your dentures or stop worrying if they are going to fall out of your mouth?
  • Are you confused by all the stuff you Google about implants and dentures?
  • Do you see the sky-high prices and say “forget it” and stop looking?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this website is going to explain every option, as well as list set prices at my clinic, Chad Gardner, DDS. I will explain the hows and whys to every option, list the specific products and attempt to answer every question I typically get asked during consultations.


Get in Touch

Chad Gardner, DDS
625 S Washington St
Bastrop, LA 71220


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Copyright Louisianadentalimplants – All rights reserved

What is the biggest advantage to implants to hold my dentures still?

I think it is simple: your health! If you can eat healthy foods and properly chew them, you will be more healthy. Most denture wearers spit their lowers out as soon as they get ready to eat. So they are basically “chewing” by mashing soft food against their palate until they can swallow it. Most healthy foods are not that soft.

In a study of the diet of denture wearers from 13 different countries, the most common food group missing from their diets was proteins. And the most common source of protein in every single country was fried fish. While fish is an extremely healthy source of protein and good fats, when fried it increases the sodium and bad fats, leading to cholesterol and blood pressure problems. Denture wearers from age 50 to 65 years old were much more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke. They also took on average 6 different medications for cholesterol , blood pressure and high blood sugar. People the same age with at least 20 teeth took an average of 1 medication. After a person was down to 20 teeth, for every tooth lost there was a 7% increase in the chances of sudden death due to cardiac arrest! 7% per tooth! I was shocked when I read that while preparing for this blog post.

Now think about what will happen when you reach your elderly years and can not eat anything but applesauce and mashed potatoes. This is where I find myself in a pickle when a 75 year old comes in wanting snap-in dentures but they can afford screw-in teeth. As a dentist for 15 years, I have remade thousands of lost dentures, many lost in nursing homes. And I prefer making the snap-in dentures because they are faster, cheaper and easier on the patient. But what about 15 years from now if you end up in a nursing home with lost dentures? I know what you are thinking: Just make another denture! I wish it were that easy but when someone gets used to a denture, you can not get them to accept the new one if they have reached that “stubborn” phase so common in twilight years. But if the false teeth are permanent, there’s nothing to lose! It’s something to consider…

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